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Is CBD detected in tests?

The growing popularity of supplements that have CBD in them leads us to ask ourselves more and more: will using such products make us "fail" a drug test? Can we be considered "under the influence" despite the fact that CBD is THC-free? What does it look like?
Will drug tests detect the presence of CBD?
The simplest answer is "no." CBD in the tests will not be detected, because these tests are aimed at finding substances that have intoxicating properties. And as we know, CBD has no such properties. This means that taking a tested, pure CBD product will not fail the narcotest. Of course, this means all the more that it's better to avoid buying these products from questionable places. The best option is to use certified stores and products whose specialists will guarantee access to high-quality CBD. And what exactly does a narcotest detect?
Detectability of CBD and THC
As a rule, narcotests are oriented towards the presence of THC (in the case of substances derived from hemp). If a specific threshold of THC-COOH in the body is exceeded. Here, the presence of 50 nanograms per milliliter of THC is sufficient. However, it is worth noting that less popular, but sometimes present extremely sensitive tests detect as little as 20 nanograms of this substance.
CBD and THC belong to the same group of phytocannabinoids, but at the same time they do not have the same mind-affecting properties. First of all, CBD is not intoxicating, it is not a toxic agent. THC, on the other hand, is such an agent, which is due, among other things, to the fact that these substances have a slightly different structure.
Will CBD always go undetected?
Contrary to appearances, the detectability of CBD can become a problem, but only in specific cases. The first one can be rejected right away. This is because we are talking about the use of huge doses of CBD on a daily basis. In order for CBD oil to test positive, we would have to consume its most pure form (with the full spectrum of cannabinoids) at 1900 mg per day. Then we would have a false positive. In practice, however, it is impossible for anyone to consume such an amount of this substance.
The problem of an uncertain market and CBD contamination
The CBD market in Poland is not very regulated. According to regulations, the permissible concentration of THC is 0.2% or 0.3%. Certified products actually stick to these limits. However, it can happen that an untested vendor will provide products with a higher degree of THC contamination - sometimes significantly.
How to be sure that CBD oil is suitable?
CBD oil in tests should give a negative result, that is, show the absence of intoxicating substances. Here it should be remembered that a well-functioning company selling such products should test them in independent laboratories testing both CBD concentration and THC content, as well as the full cannabinoid-terpene profile. Additionally, other impurities are then tested. Only then can one be sure whether the product has no heavy metals, mold, pesticides or solvent residues in it.