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What is CBC and how is it formed?

Currently, it can be stated that more than several hundred different compounds have been detected in cannabis. These include, among others, flavonoids, terpenoids and also cannabinoids. The last mentioned ones may be associated by people who use CBD oil supplementation on a daily basis. These also include THC, CBG and BCN. This is because they can have a great effect on the human body. However, it is still unclear exactly what effect they have, as not enough research has yet been done on them. For the moment, one of the cannabinoids worth considering is CBC. What should one know about it? What action does it have?
What is CBC?
CBC is a compound found in cannabis seeds, although there is much less of it than CBD. However, it is characterised by the same valuable medicinal properties. Unlike the rest of the cannabinoids, CBC oil is involved in capturing the variable temperature of the TRPV and TRPA receptors. It is worth mentioning that it does not produce the psychoactive effects that THC does. As a result, patients with anxiety, who may experience sensitisation with high doses of THC, will be able to gain many health benefits by taking CBC oil.
What health properties does CBC oil have?
- Brain support - for a very long time, some people claimed that the brain no longer develops after a certain age. However, this was a misconception. This is because neurogenesis is a process that involves the production of cells responsible for memory and the absorption of knowledge at all times. However, it takes a slightly different course in people who have dementia or Alzheimer's disease. According to a 2013 study, it was found that CBC oil can activate the neurogenic process. The researchers looked at how mouse NSPC cells work outside the body. These are special cells that can divide into several other cells that would promote the growth as well as the recovery of the brain. The researchers observed that CBCs intensified the healthiness of these cells. And this indicates that, thanks to cannabinoids, their activity improves.
- Reducing the risk of depression - CBC is not a psychoactive compound, so patients who struggle with various ailments can fully benefit from its properties without the rejection effect. Despite the fact that it is CBD and THC that are continually treated as those most important cannabinoids that have an antidepressant effect, CBC oil can also be helpful, according to research. Researchers at the University of Mississippi did a study on rodent models and were able to find that by giving them CBC, their performance in stress tests improved. Long-term stress can contribute significantly to depressive states. If we know how to deal with it, there is less chance of depression occurring.
- Anti-inflammatory effects - many diseases arise from inflammation. Although small inflammations are a normal immune response, the development of inflammation can lead to autoimmune diseases, allergies and even depression or schizophrenia. If a compound has strong anti-inflammatory properties, it is useful in treating the symptoms of the aforementioned conditions. And CBC is just one of them. According to a study that was conducted in 2010, this cannabinoid was found to be an anti-inflammatory on its own. This action may be slightly stronger when combined with THC. It follows that it is better to use both cannabinoids at the same time rather than each separately.
- Antifungal and antibacterial effects - it seems that in the 1980s of the previous century, researchers devoted their attention to CBC. They were able to prove that CBC oil has specific antibacterial properties. It proved to be very effective against E. Coli, or staphylococcus. In addition, it had a mild antifungal effect. This can be confirmed by current research, which has shown that CBC and other cannabinoids, also produce results against Staphylococcus aureus, and this is because it is resistant to methicillin.