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Ihre White Label CBD-Marke

Welcome to Premicanna

Start your journey in the world of CBD with Premicanna, a leader in offering high quality CBD products in a white label model. With us, you can create your own CBD brand without worrying about manufacturing, certification and testing. Focus on what you do best - building your brand and achieving success in the market.

What is white label?

The white label model is your chance to enter the CBD industry without having to invest in product development and production infrastructure. We offer ready-to-sell, high-quality CBD products that you can brand and sell as your own. It's a quick and cost-effective way to get started in one of the fastest growing sectors of the market.

Our Products

Product Catalogue

We offer a wide range of CBD products including:

  • CBD Oils
  • Products containing CBD
  • Products without CBD based on herbs and extracts
  • All products available in our store are available to you in White Label option
  • Products for external use and much more

All our products are made from the highest quality ingredients, with full transparency about their origin and composition.

Quality and Certifications

Our products are thoroughly tested, certified and comply with current regulations to ensure their safety and effectiveness. With us, you are assured that your brand is synonymous with quality.

Collaboration Process

Creating your own CBD brand with Premicanna is simple and transparent. We offer full support at every stage - from product selection to label design to final delivery. Our team of specialists is at your service to help you create a brand that stands out in the market.


Why Premicanna?

Experience and Expertise

With Premicanna, you benefit from years of experience and expertise from experts in the CBD industry. We are here to help you achieve success.


Successes and Testimonials

Our white label services are the choice of numerous satisfied brands that now enjoy an established position in the market. Join the ranks of our satisfied customers and start your own success story in the CBD industry.


Contact us

Ready to get started? Contact us via email (details in the Contact Us tab) or reach out to us directly via chat on the site to learn more about how we can help you build your CBD brand.



Visit our blog to find more CBD information, tips for brands and the latest industry trends. We share our knowledge to help you grow your brand.



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