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Hemp and its potential

Without a shadow of a doubt, it can be said that cannabis seeds are still burdened with many stereotypical perceptions. With a number of studies conducted on these plants, there is an increasing knowledge of their potential and how they can positively affect not only human health, but also nature. It is therefore worth reading in detail about them, also bearing in mind that cannabis and cannabis seeds are two, completely different issues, especially when we are talking about compounds that affect health and not those that have psychoactive effects.
What properties does seed hemp have?
A number of documented studies, both already completed and those currently in progress, show a great deal of the health-promoting properties that cannabis seeds have. CBD has an extremely good effect on the immune system, among other things. Studies have shown that when it comes to cannabis seeds, the health-promoting effects can also include:
- Combating insomnia,
- Dealing with headaches and joint pain,
- Combating digestive problems,
- Lowering blood cholesterol,
- Lowering blood pressure,
- Reducing joint inflammation,
- Increasing the elasticity of the skin and improving its appearance.
Medicinal hemp - uses
Non-standard uses of hemp are also becoming increasingly popular. One example is hemp tea. An infusion of the dried leaves of this plant can be used in combination with herbs and fruits, but also on its own. Being rich in CBD, it is effective in alleviating the symptoms of cancer therapy.
What about cannabis seeds in Poland?
Despite appearances, it is legal to grow seed hemp in Poland. However, this does not change the fact that, despite advancing scientific knowledge, there is still not a better awareness of how beneficial seed hemp can be to agricultural development in Poland. It is possible to find multi-hectare farms that use the plant for, among other things, the production of fibres and oils. These in turn are obtained from straw and seeds. In Poland, it is permitted to grow cannabis seeds with less than 0.2 per cent THC, i.e. the psychoactive component. This makes the crop legal, as the plants derived from it have no addictive or narcotic effects. Moreover, they are increasingly being used in construction.
What are the properties and uses of hemp seed oil?
Industrial hemp plants make it possible to obtain the seeds from which CBD oils are then produced. These are the ones that are currently most popular and allow for versatile uses. First and foremost, they can be used in the kitchen. There is no doubt that hemp seed oil is an excellent substitute for oils containing bad fats. First of all, it contains a definite predominance of polyunsaturated fatty acids. As a result, it helps to maintain normal cholesterol levels. Hemp oil can be used for:
- Sandwiches - it is an excellent replacement for butter spreads or other oils in which we usually dip bread.
- Yoghurts, shakes,
- Oatmeal,
- Pesto sauces,
- Curd paste,
- Toppings for cooked vegetables and soups,
- Salads and salads.